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10th December 2014

Product Care Association’s Industry-Led Paint Recycling Program for Ontario Approved

Industry Stewardship Plan to Enhance Governance, Transparency and Efficiency

December 10, 2014. Toronto – Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO), the provincial oversight body for recycling programs in Ontario, announced today that the WDO Board approved the Industry Stewardship Plan (ISP) for paint and coatings submitted by Product Care Association (PCA).

In the summer of 2013, in collaboration with the Canadian Paint and Coatings Association (CPCA), PCA submitted an initial draft ISP to WDO seeking to manage a recycling program for paint and coatings in Ontario. The plan was revised by PCA after extensive consultations with Ontario municipalities, transporters, recycling service providers, and other stakeholders.

The ISP represents a positive step forward for paint recycling in Ontario. It will provide more direct responsibility to the paint industry, a smooth transition for municipalities and service providers, and synergies and efficiencies from Product Care’s 20 years of experience managing paint recycling programs in seven other provinces.

“We are pleased that Waste Diversion Ontario has entrusted us with this opportunity for growth and development of the Ontario post-consumer paint recycling program,” said Mark Kurschner, Product Care Association’s President. “We are confident that with the strong support of the industry, as well as with our two decades of experience as leaders in the paint stewardship environment, we will be able to add to the success the program has achieved to date.”

The paint ISP is scheduled to become operational no sooner than June 2015. In the meantime, Product Care will work closely with all stakeholders on the transition to the new program in accordance with the approved plan. Further information about the new ISP and the transition of program operations to Product Care is available here.


Mark Kurschner
Product Care Association
Direct: 778 331 6969
877 592 2972 ext.201

About Product Care Association:

Product Care is a not-for-profit industry association that manages product stewardship programs for household hazardous and special waste products on behalf of its members across Canada, including manufacturers, distributors and retailers of those products. With over 500 members and two decades of experience, Product Care has developed, implemented, and managed successful waste diversion and recycling programs across Canada and in the United States. Product Care currently manages paint stewardship programs in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador, and PEI. In October of 2014, on its 20th anniversary, Product Care launched a new consumer-facing brand, ReGeneration, Special Waste Recycling by Product Care.

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