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The portions, or lab pack factors, of aerosol lab packs are determined by an agreed upon lab pack study methodology. The purpose of lab pack studies is to determine the lab pack factors. The lab pack factor determines the proportional share of weight and cost for managing commingled materials between the Municipalities, Product Care and SO. The Municipal MHSW Lab Pack Study Methodology was created and adopted through a working group with the MHSW steering committee and SO.  The study methodology considers the following:

  • Sampling Design – includes a representative sample from a wide variety of municipal depots and events across the province
  • Geographical Representation – the province is broken into four separate geographical zones: Central, North, East and West. The study includes a representative sample from each zone taking into account the relative tonnages collected during the calendar year and population density.
  • Seasonal Variation – studies are conducted across all four seasons, to take into account seasonal variations.

The results of all four seasonal studies using the methodology described above are aggregated to determine the lab pack factor for each material

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