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17th June 2021

Nova Scotia Paint Recycling Program Accepts Empty Paint Containers

As part of the paint industry, and paint supply chain, we all have a responsibility to ensure that any leftover paint and empty paint containers are recycled to minimize potential environmental impacts
and to conserve resources.

Leftover paint products, which include empty paint containers, should not be thrown in the garbage. Nova Scotia regulation bans the destruction or disposal of paint and empty paint containers in
landfills and incinerators.

Product Care Association offers free recycling of household paint and empty paint containers to Nova Scotians at more than 90 recycling locations throughout the province. Product Care Association provides free point of sale materials to help you inform your customers about the program (www.productcare.org/service-partners/promotion-and-education).

Are empty containers accepted?

Yes, empty paint containers are accepted. All empty paint containers must have their original label.

What type of paint products are accepted?

Many types of leftover paints and their containers are accepted, including all types of household paints (water-based and solvent-based paints) and all paint aerosols. A list of accepted products can be found at www.productcare.org/products/paint/nova-scotia. All recycled paint must be recycled in the original container, tightly sealed, and in good condition (e.g., no potential leak of residual paint or bulging) with its original label. Products that are not sold, to which environmental handling fees have not been applied, are not accepted by the program.

Does it cost my customers or the public to drop off leftover paint for recycling?

No. The program is free for your customers and the public to use. There is no charge to drop off leftover paint and empty paint containers at one of our recycling locations.

Where can my customers find a recycling location for my left-over paint and empty paint containers?

Left-over paint and empty paint containers are accepted at a variety of recycling locations, including government facilities, select retailers, and Enviro-Depots. Use our recycling locator to find a recycling location near you.

Can retailers participate as a collection site (return-to-retail)?

Yes. Becoming a collection site for the program allows you to:

  1. Demonstrate corporate social responsibility to your customers.
  2. Provide a competitive edge over your competitors.
  3. Attract new customers and increase opportunity for sales.
  4. Provide additional exposure and awareness of your store through our website recycling location finder.

If your retail location is interested in participating in the Program as a collection site or requires more information on the program, please contact Product Care.

Download this notice.

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