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14th February 2024

Alberta Update: Registration under the Alberta Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) Program 

Important Update: March 1, 2024, Registration Deadlines for Alberta Hazardous and Special Waste (HSP) Program  

Dear Product Care Member,

Obligated producers under the Alberta Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation are required to register with the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA).  

Product Care intends to implement and operate the HSP program in Alberta and is a registered Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) with ARMA. Producers who wish to join Product Care’s Alberta HSP Program must register with both ARMA and Product Care.   

HSP Registration Details:  

ARMA registration:

The registration process for Alberta HSP requires Producers to provide basic contact and company information and inform ARMA that they wish to delegate their requirements to a PRO. This will all be done through the ARMA connect portal – which is now open!  

See the Producer Registration Procedures for detailed instructions.  Members that have already registered with Product Care for the Alberta HSP program will still need to register with ARMA, if they haven’t already done so. 

The deadline to register with ARMA is March 1, 2024.  

Product Care registration:

Producers will need to register with Product Care and become members of the Product Care Alberta HSP Program. This will be done through the Product Care reporting portal. 

Please refer to the Product Care AB HSP Registration Guide located here.  The registration guide is designed to guide producers through the ARMA and Product Care registration process.  

The deadline to register with Product Care is March 1, 2024.

Next steps: 

2022 & 2023 Supply Data (Report) Submission: 

ARMA HSP Bylaws require verified supply data for prior years.  The deadline to submit the 2022 and 2023 HSP supply data report to ARMA is June 30, 2024. The supply data report comprises information about quantities (weight) and types of materials supplied to the Alberta market. Obligated Producers may submit their supply data report directly to ARMA or through Product Care. If the supply report is to be submitted through Product Care, the supply data report is due to Product Care by June 1st 2024. For program planning purposes, in addition to 2022 and 2023 supply data, Product Care is requesting 2001 supply data. Note that the 2021 supply data does not require to be verified. 


The 2022 & 2023 supply data report must be VERIFIED. ARMA has yet to finalize and publish the Verification Procedure, which details what is required in the verification plan and who qualifies as a verifier. Product Care will notify members as soon as the Verification Procedure has been released by ARMA. Alternative members should visit ARMA’s website for updates for the latest policy updates. 

Verification Plans Submission:  

In accordance with ARMA’s bylaws, HSP Producers must submit their verification plans to ARMA by October 2024. The verification plan demonstrates that the Producer has arrangements in place to meet its obligations to collect and manage designated HSP under Part 2 of Alberta Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation.  Details of what is required in a verification plan can be found in ARMA’s HSP bylaws. Product Care will be submitting the verification plan on behalf of its’ Alberta HSP members. 

For more information on the data required, please head to our FAQ Page. 

Important Links

Alberta Hazardous and Special Products Regulation 

Hazardous and Special Products Bylaws 

EPR Oversight – ARMA – Corporate (albertarecycling.ca) 

High-level overview of Producer obligations for PPP and HSP.    

For further information or should you have any questions, please contact alberta@productcare.org   


The Product Care Team 

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