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16th November 2018

MB Program Plan Approval and IC&I Expansion

PCA is required to submit a new program plan for the Manitoba Household Hazardous Waste Stewardship Program to the Ministry of Sustainable Development every five years. PCA submitted its new program plan on May 8, 2017 and received Ministry approval on July 26, 2018. The Minister’s approval letter contained a number of conditions, including the following:

“5. Include compact fluorescent lights and tubes from the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sector in Manitoba as part of this Program beginning in 2020.”

Accordingly PCA will begin planning, recruiting, and implementation for the expansion of the program to include institutional, commercial and industrial sectors (IC&I) (see below).

IC&I Lights Expansion:
PCA’s program began in 2012 and is currently limited to residential-use CFLs and fluorescent tubes. In accordance with the Ministry’s conditions for approval, PCA will expand the program to include CFLs and fluorescent tubes from the IC&I sector effective January 1, 2020.

As part of the expansion, PCA will identify any “stewards” of these products who are not already members of the program and invite them to join. The Manitoba Household Hazardous Material and Prescribed Material Stewardship Regulation requires the “stewards of designated materials” (typically first importers/suppliers, including retailers, distributors and manufacturers) of all CFLs and fluorescent tubes sold into Manitoba to be part of an approved stewardship program.

The expanded program will be funded by Environmental Handling Fees (EHFs) paid to PCA by participating members on the sale or supply of new IC&I CFLs and fluorescent tubes sold in Manitoba beginning January 1, 2020. The fees will be used by PCA to fund all program costs, including the collection, transportation and recycling of end-of-life products. If your company is obligated under the Regulation, you can register with the program in order to comply with these requirements.
To assist PCA in identifying all obligated producers and their product sales, we request that you forward this message on to your suppliers and customers and begin discussing with them the best manner of complying with the program requirements.
More information will be provided as the program expansion nears its implementation date.

For more information, please contact:

Jason Brown
Product Care Association

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