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2nd February 2024

Québec – Non-Refillable Pressurized Cylinders Program

February 2, 2024

Dear Product Care Member,

On June 1, 2022, the Government of Québec adopted the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprises to designate new products under extended producer responsibility framework, including non-refillable and refillable pressurized fuel containers.

Accordingly, obligated producers of these products (s. 53.0.17) are required, no later than June 30, 2024, to either:
A) Implement a recovery and reclamation program (EPR program), or
B) Join/appoint a Recyc-Québec recognized stewardship organization, such as Product Care, to develop and implement an EPR program on the producers’ behalf.
In addition, any obligated producer should send, no later than March 31, 2024, a compliance notice of intent to Recyc-Québec.

Obligated Producers

  • Any producer, being a brand owner or brand user, domiciled or has an establishment in Quebec,
  • Any first supplier of the product in Quebec.
  • Any brand owner or first supplier, not having an establishment in Quebec, from which a product can be acquired, from outside the province of Quebec, by a person/business for own use.
  • Any enterprise operating transactional websites (online sales)

Obligated Products
Containers used to hold liquids or gases under pressure that are to be used as fuel, such as propane, butane, isobutane or propylene, except lighters and fire starters.

  • Non-refillable containers,
  • Refillable containers marketed in a territory referred to in section 17

Product Care intends to develop and submit a stewardship plan solely for non-refillable containers and will be announcing Environmental Handling Fee (EHF) rates once they have been set.

How to join Product Care’s Quebec Pressurized Container Program
If you are an obligated producers for non-refillable pontainers and wish to become a member of Product Care’s Quebec pressurized container program, you must register through PCA Registration & Reporting Portal when registration becomes available; expected to be available in Q1-2024.

If you have any questions about the regulation, or whether your company is obligated, you can contact the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) at RRVPE@environnement.gouv.qc.ca.

If you have any questions about how to comply with the regulation, you can contact RECYC-QUÉBEC at REP@recyc-quebec.gouv.qc.ca.

For any assistance at Product Care, please contact:

Wendy Rivéti
Phone: 1-877-592-2972 # 209 / 514-228-5648
Email: quebec@productcare.org


The Product Care Team

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