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31st December 2019

[ON HSP Transition] Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) approves Stewardship Ontario MHSW Wind Up Plan (December 31, 2019)

On December 27, 2019, RPRA approved the MHSW Wind-Up Plan with conditions.

The MHSW Wind-Up Plan shall be updated by SO as required to address operational and implementation issues as directed by Authority staff.

  1. SO shall provide any information identified by Authority staff that is required to assist the Authority in performing its duties under the Waste Diversion Transition Act, 2016, pursuant to s. 31 of that Act.
  2. SO shall revise the Plan to amend the Steward Report Schedules to align the Final Adjustment Request due dates for Single-use Batteries (for 2019 and earlier) and MHSW Materials (Excluding Single-use Batteries) (for 2020 and earlier) with the producer data submission requirements to the Registry, and shall communicate the revised plan to stewards by December 31, 2019.
    1. The due date for Final Adjustment Requests for Single-use Batteries shall be revised to February 14, 2020 for data related to 2019 and earlier, or to a date to be determined in consultation with the Registrar.
    2. The due date for Final Adjustment Requests for MHSW Materials (Excluding Single-use Batteries) shall be revised to February 12, 2021 for data related to 2020 and earlier, or to a date to be determined in consultation with the Registrar.
  3. SO shall revise any sections of the Plan that refer to or deal with the management of residual funds to ensure consistency with the Minister’s direction received on December 20, 2019 and shall submit the revised Wind-Up Plan to the Authority for approval.

To view the RPRA approval letter and MHSW Wind-Up Plan, follow the links below:

December 31 2019 – RPRA Board Approved MHSW Wind-Up Plan Letter

December 2019 RPRA Approved MHSW Wind Up Plan

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