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25th January 2023

SK HHW Environmental Handling Fees (EHF) Increase

Dear Member,

Below is an important member update from Product Care, on changes to the Saskatchewan (SK) Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program fee structure for certain HHW program products.

Effective Date  

The effective date of the SK HHW fee changes is April, 1 2023, to allow program members sufficient time to update their systems.

SK HHW Fee Changes: 

The Product Care board of directors has approved the following fee increases for specified HHW Program Products, effective April 1, 2023. Revised fee rates are summarized in the chart below (highlighted). All other fee rates remain unchanged.

Product CategorySub-CategoryCurrent EHFsNew EHFs effective April 1, 2023
Solvent &

Flammable Liquids

750ml or less$0.05$0.10
751Ml to 1 Litre$0.10$0.15
1.01 Litres to 2 Litres$0.20$0.35
2.01 Litres to 4 Litres$0.40$0.60
4.01 Litres to 10 Litres$1.00$1.50
Aerosol solvent and flamm. liquids (1 to 75ml)$0.01$0.01
Aerosol solvent and flamm. liquids (76 to 200ml)$0.05$0.10
Aerosol solvent and flamm. liquids (201ml and over)$0.10$0.15
PesticidesLess than 10ml or g$0.01$0.01
0.01 to 0.89 L or Kg$0.60$0.80
0.9 to 1.79L or Kg$1.20$2.10
1.8 to 10L or Kg$2.40$2.40
Toxics0.750 L or kg or less$0.05$0.05
0.751 to 1L or kg$0.10$0.10
1.01 to 2L or kg$0.20$0.20
2.01l to 4l or kg$0.40$0.40
4.01 to 10L or Kg$1.00$1.00
Aerosols – 1 to 75ml or g$0.01$0.01
Aerosols 76 to 200ml or g$0.05$0.05
Aerosols over 201ml or g$0.10$0.10
Corrosives0.750 L or kg or less$0.05$0.05
0.751 to 1L or kg$0.10$0.10
1.01 to 2L or kg$0.20$0.20
2.01l to 4l or kg$0.40$0.40
4.01 to 10L or Kg$1.00$1.00
Aerosols – 1 to 75ml or g$0.01$0.01
Aerosols 76 to 200ml or g$0.05$0.05
Aerosols over 201ml or g$0.10$0.10
Physically Hazardousper unit$0.50$0.60
Gasolineper gas station$11.25$11.25

Basis for SK HHW Fee Increases

Product Care launched the SK HHW program on April 1, 2021. The SK HHW 2021 annual report can be viewed here.  The current forecast for 2022 is for a small surplus, however while revenue is expected to be relatively stable, expenses are expected to increase in the near future for a number of reasons:

  • Collection volumes are forecast to 8% in 2023 (on an annualized basis), due in part to improved consumer awareness and increased accessibility to collection sites and collection events.
  • The regulation requires province–wide accessibility. The program is providing infrastructure loans to municipalities to help develop the appropriate collection infrastructure to transition from 1 day events to permanent collection sites. The loans are forgivable over a period of time provided that the sites continue to operate. The collection sites are intended to be both more convenient for residents, and more efficient in terms of operating cost, but the initial capital cost will be borne by the program over the coming years.
  • Service provider costs are subject to multi-year agreements, but it is necessary to plan for potential increases due to both inflation and increased collection volumes.
  • Consistent with its approved program plan, the program needs to establish a reserve fund to manage fluctuations in.

Accordingly, in order to maintain the program’s financial stability, it is necessary to increase EHFs rates as set out above.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at rhodges@productcare.org

Kind Regards

Richard Hodges

Program Manager – Saskatchewan & Manitoba

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