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Commercial Volumes

Effective January 1, 2020, lighting products in Manitoba have expanded to include CFLs and fluorescent tubes from industrial, commercial and institutional users.

Whole light bulbs

If you have more than one pallet of whole light bulbs (not crushed bulbs), we will pick it up free of charge in Manitoba.

A pallet of light bulbs should contain approximately:

  • 750 4 foot fluorescent tubes, OR
  • 1,200 CFLs, OR
  • A combination of light types that would equate to the same volume


Important information

Due to the varying size of light bulbs, the above estimates are guidelines only.

We require all light bulbs to be safely packaged before pick-up and will supply approved collection containers at no cost, if required.

Collection containers may be requested in advance.

All containers and light bulbs MUST be protected from the weather and remain dry.

Please note: While Product Care will pick-up eligible quantities of bulbs directly from locations (contractors, schools, hospitals, building managers, municipalities etc.), you will not receive any payment for these bulbs unless you are acting as a service provider to Product Care.

To apply for free pick-up of whole CFLs and fluorescent tubes, please fill the following form:


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