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Quebec has a population of over eight million, with half of the population living in Montreal. 95% of the population speak French as their first language.

Quebec has a very metropolitan south and a rugged north. The province is covered in lakes and forests, with the famous St. Lawrence River cutting along the south. Product Care Recycling is committed to protecting this beautiful province by providing waste diversion solutions. 

Light recycling program Recycfluo, operated by Product Care, began in 2012 in response to the provincial regulations regarding the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprises. The program’s extensive recycling network is comprised of municipal facilities, retailers as well as recycling locations dedicated to commercial generators of mercury-containing lamps. The collection system is augmented by recycling events and direct pick-up services for commercial volumes and in areas that do not have a permanent recycling location.

Our recycling program in Quebec includes all mercury containing light bulbs and tubes. For more details, visit the Recycfluo website.


2022 Collection Highlights

  • ~3,800,000 lights

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